Thursday, August 12, 2010

Joni's Comeback

Joni's Comeback
                                 Moe Seager
She poured a black cup of coffee
I sipped on the rim of the mug
At the one spot left unchipped
"Gimme one of yours would ya
I'm tired of rolling my own"
I passed her a Camel
We shared on the match
Ten years since high school
She looked like a yard sale item
Dust covered, cracked
The item nobody buys
Five of us once call her
To go to the same dance!
"Glad you stopped by
Never figured I'd see you
Back here in the neighborhood
Landlord promised to fix this place up
Ya know what?
I'm up shit creek without a paddle"
The little boy looks a lot like you
The girl takes a shine to her daddy
How's a, Vinnie doing?
"You mean Suitcase Simpson?"
You two ever talk?
"Not since the child support checks stopped coming"
"He lost his job and hit the booze
Said he got cabin fever
You know, when a man feels caged
Too long with the same woman"
How are you taking it?
"Now I got cabin fever"
Oh yeah, with who?
"With nobody. See, for a woman it's different
It's about locking yourself indoors
For months on end
Two sickly kids, t.v. on the blink
And watching the dog die
'Cause you ain't got money to send him to the vet"
"Can I bum another smoke?"
Help yourself. I gotta another pack in the car
She lit up off the burner on the stove
"Okay, he was here and made Noel hell
Showed up drunk on Christmas eve, 11:30 at night
Two gifts for the kids
One was broken
Last of the big time spenders"
"I put the kids to bed at midnight
He tried to make me on the couch
I finally slapped the bastard across the face
He got up, called me a slut
Stumbled into the Christmas tree
Knockin' it to the floor"
It must have been horrible!
"Yeah, broke my favorite ornament
Saint Brigid's cross"
I meant your eye
"Oh, it took thirteen stitches and heeled right up
But I couldn't put that cross back together
It was my grandmother's and my mother's
Meant to pass it on to Katie "
I'll trade you a smoke for another cup of coffee
"I'm all out. Will Kool Aid do?"
Just a glass of water please.
I drank it down in a peanut butter jar.
"Don't worry it's clean.
I sprayed for bugs"
I choked, she laughed
Like old times
Getting out lately?
"Don't ask"
"Okay, I met this guy at the Laundromat last summer
He wants to go out dancin'.
Remember how much I liked to dance"?
How can I forget.
"He takes me to a suburban disco on the mall
He wore three cheap chains
'Round his sweaty fat neck
His breath smelled like Pine Sol
The man coulda stopped a Mac truck
Tryin' to do the Gene Kelly
More like the polyester stretch"
What happened?
"I told him I was on my period.
He whisked me home like a three alarm fire"
Too bad
"Not really. I saved a few bucks on the baby sitter"
Well, there's more fish in the sea
"You mean the sewer system"
You need a nice guy type
"Cut it with that cute shit"
"Yeah, I met a nice guy type
In the super market last month
He starts flirtin', asks for my number.
Says he wants to take me to poetry reading
I figure, what the hell, why not?
There we were in the check out line
Like a couple of kids, funnin' and smilin' "
Okay, and what?
"When he sees me buy baby bottles with food stamps
The man almost shit himself "
She reached for another cigarette
I reached for her
She backed away
Tossing the cigarette into the ash tray.
Good shot, I barked.
"Be glad I know you"
So, what are you doing Saturday night?
"I'm goin' out. My sister's watchin' the kids"
Where you going?
"To the Amazon club"
Ain't that a lesbian joint?
"That's right. Any more questions"?
Just one more.
If you give me that cross of yours
I'll take it home and put it back together for you.
She turned and walked toward the bedroom
I rose to follow
"Freeze" she quipped
I sat still
She returned to the kitchen
The broken cross in a box.
She looked side to side and eyed the flies
Buzzing 'round the bulb on the ceiling
 "Here, keep it"

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